The Real Human God : Dr. Ambedkar


Dr. Ambedkar, the Real God: Understanding the Life and Legacy of the Great Social Reformer

Dr. Ambedkar, Baba Sahab Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Baba Sahab

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, popularly known as Dr. Ambedkar, was a great social reformer, jurist, and politician who dedicated his entire life to the upliftment of the marginalized sections of society in India. He was born in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh, in 1891, and despite facing tremendous social and economic hardships, he went on to become one of the most eminent leaders in the country.
So in this blog post, we will take a closer look at Dr. Ambedkar's life and legacy and understand why he is often referred to as the Real God. The struggle he faced, the hard work he did for earning knowledge and the life he spend for the upliftment of deprived people makes him not only real hero but he is considered as real God. 

Early Life and Education

Dr. Ambedkar was born into a family of Dalits, who were considered to be at the bottom of the Indian caste system. Despite his family's social status, he was a bright student and excelled in his studies. However, he faced discrimination and oppression at every step of his life due to his caste.

There are many emotional stories from Dr. Ambedkar's life, but one of the most poignant is his experience of being denied water from a public tank in his village due to his lower caste status.

The Real Human God : Dr. Ambedkar Quote

As a child, Dr. Ambedkar had to walk several miles every day to get water for his family as they were not allowed to access the public water tank in his village. One day, he was extremely thirsty and approached the water tank to quench his thirst. However, the upper-caste men who were guarding the tank refused to let him drink from it and threw stones at him.

This incident left a deep impression on Dr. Ambedkar, and he realized at a very young age the extent of discrimination and prejudice that existed in Indian society. It also motivated him to fight for the rights of Dalits and other marginalized sections of society.


This story is a powerful reminder of the discrimination and injustice that Dr. Ambedkar faced throughout his life and the hardships that he had to endure to become one of the most eminent leaders in the country. It also highlights his unwavering commitment to the cause of social justice and equality, and his determination to fight for the rights of the oppressed, no matter what the cost. Those days this type of incidence was common and faced almost every lower caste people. But they tolerate as there was no way to oppose. 

Dr. Ambedkar went on to study at the prestigious Columbia University in New York and the London School of Economics. He earned a doctorate in economics from Columbia and became the first Indian to earn a degree from the prestigious university.

Political Career and Contributions

Dr. Ambedkar's political career started when he was appointed as the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee in 1947. He played a significant role in drafting the Indian Constitution and ensured that it was inclusive and reflected the aspirations of all sections of society.

Apart from being a jurist and politician, Dr. Ambedkar was a great social reformer who fought for the rights of the marginalized sections of society. He was a staunch advocate of social justice and worked tirelessly to eliminate caste-based discrimination and inequality in India.

Dr. Ambedkar Quote on Caste System,

Dr. Ambedkar also played a significant role in the Indian Independence Movement and worked closely with leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. However, he often had disagreements with them, especially when it came to issues related to the rights of Dalits.

Legacy and Impact

Dr. Ambedkar's legacy is immense, and his impact on Indian society is far-reaching. He was a visionary who foresaw the challenges that India would face in the future and worked towards creating a society that was based on equality and justice.

His contributions to Indian society are numerous. He was the architect of the Indian Constitution, which is often referred to as the world's most comprehensive constitution. He was also responsible for the Hindu Code Bill, which gave women equal rights in property and inheritance.

Dr. Ambedkar Quote on Caste Tyranny,

Dr. Ambedkar's contributions to Indian society go beyond his political and legal achievements. He was a great social reformer who worked towards eliminating caste-based discrimination and inequality. He founded the Bahujan Samaj Party, which continues to work towards empowering the Dalit and other marginalized sections of society.

Why Dr. Ambedkar is often referred to as the Real God?

Dr. Ambedkar is often referred to as the Real God because of his selfless service to society. Despite facing tremendous discrimination and oppression, he dedicated his entire life to the upliftment of the marginalized sections of society. He was a true champion of social justice and worked towards creating a society that was based on equality and justice.

Dr. Ambedkar's teachings and philosophy continue to inspire millions of people in India and around the world. His message of social justice and equality is more relevant today than ever before, and his legacy will continue to shape Indian society for generations to come.


Dr. Ambedkar was a beacon of hope for the marginalized sections of society in India. His contributions to Indian society are numerous, and his legacy continues to inspire people all over the world. His teachings and philosophy have played a significant role in shaping Indian society, and his vision for a just and equal society continues to be relevant today.

Dr. Ambedkar's life and legacy serve as a reminder that change is possible, even in the face of tremendous adversity. He showed us that by fighting for what is right, we can create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

Dr. Ambedkar Quote, Motivational Quote on women

In conclusion, Dr. Ambedkar's contributions to Indian society are immeasurable. He was a great social reformer, jurist, and politician who dedicated his entire life to the upliftment of the marginalized sections of society. His legacy continues to inspire millions of people all over the world, and his message of social justice and equality remains more relevant today than ever before. Dr. Ambedkar truly was the Real God, and his life and legacy will continue to shape Indian society for generations to come.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, also known as Babasaheb, was a prominent leader in the Indian freedom struggle and a champion of social justice and equality. He gave several powerful slogans and statements that continue to inspire people today. Here are some of his famous slogans:

"Educate, agitate, organize."
"Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle."
"Liberty and equality are twin ideals of democracy."
"I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved."
"Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer who defies society is a more courageous man than a politician who defies Government."
"The history of India is nothing but a history of a mortal conflict between Buddhism and Brahminism."

"Be proud of your caste, but not proud of casteism."

These slogans reflect Dr. Ambedkar's commitment to education, social reform, and the struggle for equality and justice. They continue to resonate with people around the world who seek to challenge oppression and build a more equitable and just society.

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