Class 6 Social Science STUDY MATERIALCLASS 6 Social Science HistoryChapter 1. What, Where, How and When?Chapter 2. From Hunting -Gathering to Growing FoodChapter 3. In the Earliest CitiesChapter 4. What Books and Burials Tell UsChapter 5. Kingdoms, Kings and an Early RepublicChapter 6. New Questions and IdeasChapter 7. Ashoka, The Emperor who Gave up WarChapter 8. Vital Villages, Thriving TownsChapter 9. Traders, Kings and PilgrimsChapter 10. New Empires and KingdomsChapter 11. Building, Painting and BooksGeographyChapter 1. The Earth in the Solar SystemChapter 2. Globe : Latitude and LongitudeChapter 3. Motions of the EarthChapter 4. MapsChapter 5. Major Domains of the EarthChapter 6. Major Landforms of the EarthChapter 7. Our Country IndiaChapter 8. India : Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife Political ScienceChapter 1. Understanding DiversityChapter 2. Diversity and DiscriminationChapter 3. What is Government?Chapter 4. Key Element of a Democratic GovernmentChapter 5. Panchayati RajChapter 6. Rural AdministrationChapter 7. Urban AdministrationChapter 8. Rural LivelihoodChapter 9. Urban Livelihood