Water O' Water | Class 3 | EVS | Chapter 3


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Water O' Water! 


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1. Do you know any poem or song on water? Recite them in the class.

Ans. Yes, Rain Rain Go away 

2. Which are the places mentioned in the poem where we find water?

Ans. The places mentioned in the poem where water is found are rivers, waterfalls, lakes and springs.

3. Tick ( √ ) the activities for which water is needed. 

Ans.  To row a boat, to make tea, to knead dough, to grow plants.

4. Name any four activities which 

♦ you can do without water. ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Ans.   You can do without water.

Dance      Light a bulb      Play      Sleep

♦ you cannot do without water. ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Ans. You cannot do without water.

Cook      Wash      Bath    Paint


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5 Does any river flow through your village or city ? If yes, write its name. __________

Ans. Yes, It is River Narmada. 

(Note : You can write according to locality ) 

6. Do you know the names of any rivers? Write their names. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Ans. Names of some rivers are Yamuna, Ganga, Brahmaputra, Krishna, Kaveri and Indus.

7. At home, where do you get drinking water from?

Ans. At home, drinking water is stored in water tanks, pots and bottles.

8. Do you have to go far to get water? How much time does it take to bring the water?

Ans. We get water from handpump. It is near our home so it takes only few minutes to bring the water.

9. Do your neighbours bring water from the same place?

Answer : Yes.

10. Why do we need to store water?

Ans. We need to store water so that it is available easily for consumption when there is no direct supply of water.

11. Question 7:

Who fetches and stores water in your house?

Ans. My mummy fetches water in my house.

12. Are there certain people who are not allowed to take water from there?

Ans. No, We don't have any people who are not allowed to take water from there.

13 Colour the pictures of those containers which you use for storing water. 

Ans. (Do yourself )

14. In your notebook draw pictures of any other containers which are used for storing water in your house. Write their names as well.

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15. Given in the grid are some places where water is found. Find seven of them and put a around each. One has already been done for you.

Answer :

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16. In every row put a  ◯  around one that is different from the others. Also tell how it is different.

♦ River, mountain, lake, pond, spring.

♦ Bathing, washing clothes, swimming, combing hair, kneading dough.

♦ Fish, duck, monkey, crocodile, tortoise.

♦ Car, boat, bus, train, bicycle.


♦River, mountain, pond, lake, spring.

Ans. Mountain is not a water body while others are sources of water.

♦Bathing, washing clothes, swimming, combing hair, kneading dough.

Ans. Combing hair does not require water while all other activities are dependent on water.

♦Fish, duck, monkey, crocodile, tortoise.

Ans. Monkey cannot live in water, while others can live in water.

♦Car, boat, bus, train, bicycle.

Ans. Boat is a mode of water transport while others are modes of road transport.

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