JNVST 2022 Question Paper and Answersheet


Hi, Students, hope you have prepared well for your upcoming JNVST Exam 2023-24. This takes a lot of effort to crack JNV Exam as there is lot of competition now a days. We are doing effort to make you find your goal. At this crucial moment your surely want to know to how to download jnvst question paper 2022. Let us help you.

Here we are sharing a JNVST Question Paper 2022 in Hindi version. you can download and do practice yourself to see how better you can do. We have also provided answer sheet for you help.  Firstly JNVST question paper 2022 pdf download in Hindi, It is in PDF format and then open and start to solved it. 

Remember the time limit as 2 hours, and you have to do the same. Then after solving match your answers with the given Answer Sheet. How much marks you get please write in comment, so that we could provide more papers for your support.

Download Question Paper 


Medium - Hindi



Section '1'

1. B, 2. D, 3. C, 4. C, 5. D,  

6. B, 7. A, 8. A, 9. D, 10. B, 

11. A, 12. A,  13. B, 14. A, 15. B, 

16. B, 17. B, 18. D, 19. B, 20. A, 

21. A, 22. A, 23. C, 24. C, 25. A, 

26. C, 27. B,  28. B, 29. A, 30. C, 

31. C, 32. A, 33. B, 34. C, 35. B, 

36. D, 37. D, 38. C, 39. A, 40. B,

Section '2'

41. D, 42. C, 43. B, 44. A, 45. B, 

46. B, 47. C, 48. C, 49. A, 50. C, 

51. B, 52. A, 53. B,  54. C, 55. A, 

56. B, 57. D, 58. C, 59. B, 60. B,

Section '3'

61. C, 62. A, 63. D, 64. C, 65. A, 

66. B, 67. C, 68. D, 69. A, 70. C, 

71. B, 72. B, 73. C, 74. A, 75. C, 

76. C, 77. A, 78. C, 79. A, 80. C

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