NCERT Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds

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NCERT Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds

NCERT Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds

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NCERT Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds

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NCERT Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds

Textual Exercise

1. What things are soaked before cooking in your house? Why?

Ans. Followings things are soaked before cooking in our house ;
Pulses and Rice.
    By soaking these absorb water and become soft. Thus they take less time in cooking and fuel is also saved.

2. What things do you eat after sprouting? How are they sprouted? How much time does it take?

Ans. We eat grams and moong after sprouting. These are soaked in water and then wrapped in a soft cloth, they get proper water and air when hanged and get sprouted.
    Wet grams need moisture and air for their sprouting. 
Grams take about 48 hours for sprouting while moong takes about 36 hours to sprout.

3. Has the doctor or someone you know ever told you to eat sprouts? Why?
Ans. Yes, doctor adviced me to eat sprout to get proper nutrition.

Do this and find out (Page 43)

4. Do you remember that in class IV you did an activity with seeds? Now try another one.

    * Take some chana and three bowls.
    * Put the chana in the first bowl and fill it up with water.
    * Put a damp piece of cloth or some cotton wool in the second bowl. Now keep the same number of chanas in it.
    * Make sure that the cotton wool or cloth remains wet.
    * Put the same number of chanas in the third bowl. Do not put anything else in it. Cover all the three    bowls.

Observe after two days and note the change in the bowls.



Bowl 1

Bowl 2

Bowl 3

Are the seeds getting air?
Are the seeds getting water?
What changes did you see?
Have the seeds sprouted?



Chana got swelled up




Chana have sprouted




No change


 Tell and write (Page 43)
5. In which bowl did the seeds sprout? What difference did you see between this bowl and the other bowls?
Ans. Seeds sprouted in bowl 2 because seeds got both air and water and sprouted. In bowl 1, seeds got only water but no air and did not sprout. In bowl 3, they got no water and air and did not sprout.

6. Why did Gopal's mother tie the chana in a damp cloth?
Ans. Gopal's mother tied the chana in a damp cloth so that chana get water and air to get sprout.

(Page 44)
7. When you split the whole masoor, you get me masoor dal, but them you cannot sprout it? Can you think why?
Ans. After splitting, the sprouting capacity of masoor is lost.

(Draw Page 44)
8. Look carefully at your spouted chana and make it's drawings.
Drawing ,👇

Project : Plant your seeds (Page 44)
Take a 'clay pot' or a 'tin can't with a wide mouth. Make a small hole at the bottom of the can. Fill your can with soil. Put four or five seeds of the same kind in the soil and press them gently. Different groups can plant different kinds of seeds such as mustard (sarson), fenugreek (methi), sesame (till) or coriander (dhania)
Name of the seed :  Mustard (sarson)
The data you planted them : March 27, 2018
The day observe something coming out of the soil, start filling the table 



Height of the plant (in cm)

Number of leaves seen

Any other change

April 1


April 2


April 3


April 4


1.5 cm


2.5 cm


33 cm


5 cm










Stem is seen


Stem is thicker


Stem is thicker


Find out (Page 45)

9. How long did it take for plant to come out from soil?

Ans. It took a weak for the plant to come out from soil.


10. What was the difference in height of the plant on the first and second day?

Ans. The difference was of about one centimetre.



11. On which day did the height of the plant increase the most?

Ans. It was on 4th October that the height of the plant increases most over this period.

12. Did new leaves come out of the plant every day?

Ans. Yes, New leaves came out of everyday.

13. Was there any change in the stem of the plant?

Ans. Yes it got thicker and bigger everyday.

Discuss (Page 45)

14. Which seeds took the most number of days for the stem to come out of the soil?

Ans. Sesame (till) seeds took most number of days to come out of the soil.

15. Which seeds took the least days to come out of the soil.

16. Which seed did not grow at all?

Ans. All seeds grew up after watering daily.

17. Did anyone’s plant dry up or turn yellow? Why did this happen?

Ans. Yes, One plant turned yellow but new leaves came out with proper watering.

18. What would happen if the plants do not get water?

Ans. They turn yellow, if not watered properly, they can dry up.

Straight from the heart (Page 45)

19. What is inside the seed?

Ans. Cotyledons and embryos are inside the seeds.

20. How does a big plant grow from a tiny seed?

Ans. The seed absorbs water and produces a seedling and then the seedling gets nutrients from the ground and grows into a big plant.


Think and Imagine (Page 46)

21. What would happen if plant could walk? Draw a picture.

Ans. Attempt your sees.

22. Do some plants grow without seeds?

Ans. Yes, some plants grow without seed eg. Potato rose, banana etc.

So many seeds! (Page 46)

    How many types of seeds can you collect? Where will you find them? Each of you should try to collect as many different types of seeds as you can. After that, put all the seed collections together. Now observe these seeds carefully their shapes, sizes, colour, textures (smooth or rough). Make a seed chart to put in the class. You can start with a table like this.

Ans. I can collect more than ten seeds. I will find some seeds in my house eg. rajma, wheat, moong etc. and collect some other like mustard, lady finger etc. from the seed show.


Name of seed


Shape (draw)


1.       Chana

2.       Moong

3.       Mustard

4.       Cumin

5.       Rajma

6.       Lady’s finger

7.       Apple

8.       Papaya

9.       Mango

10.   Muskmelon

11.   Wheat





Reddish brown


Brown, red

Black, yellow, green

Whitish yellow



Draw yourself












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