Guru Nanak Dev Ji Biography


 Guru Nanak Dev Ji Biography

Search : Guru Nanak, Sikhism, Ik Onkar, Guru Granth Sahib, Spiritual Wisdom, Compassion, Equality, Sikh Guru, Nankana Sahib, Divine Revelation.
In this article you'll get a brief biography of Guru Nanak Dev Ji on the holy occasion of his birthday which is celebrated as Guru Nanak Jayanti all over the world.


Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism, was a luminary whose life illuminated the path of spirituality and compassion. Born in 1469 in the village of Talwandi, now known as Nankana Sahib in Pakistan, Guru Nanak's teachings continue to resonate with millions around the world.

Early Life:

From an early age, Guru Nanak exhibited a profound curiosity and compassion for humanity. Legend has it that even as a child, he questioned the existing societal norms and displayed a deep sense of empathy. His early experiences planted the seeds for a revolutionary spiritual journey.

The Honest Trader

Once, Guru Nanak visited the bustling town of Sultanpur, known for its vibrant markets. In the marketplace, he observed a trader named Bhai Lalo conducting his business with utmost honesty and integrity. Intrigued, Guru Nanak approached Bhai Lalo and asked him about his secret to success.

Bhai Lalo humbly replied, "I earn an honest living by working hard and sharing with those in need. I believe in treating everyone equally, as instructed by your teachings."

Guru Nanak was pleased with Bhai Lalo's sincerity and blessed him, emphasizing the importance of honesty and compassion in both business and life. This encounter left a lasting impression on those who witnessed the exchange, and Bhai Lalo's reputation for integrity spread far and wide.

Moral of the Story: Honesty and compassion are the true keys to success.

Divine Revelation:

At the age of 30, Guru Nanak had a transformative experience while bathing in the river Bein. It was during this divine revelation that he received a divine calling to spread the message of oneness, equality, and love. This marked the beginning of his mission to inspire positive change.

Travels and Teachings:

Guru Nanak embarked on extensive travels, covering vast regions, and engaging in meaningful conversations with people from various walks of life. His teachings emphasized the importance of equality, selfless service, and devotion to the one Supreme Being. The essence of his message can be encapsulated in the famous words, "Ik Onkar," meaning "There is One God."

Guru Nanak and the Wali Kandhari

On one of his journeys, Guru Nanak visited a place called Hasan Abdal, where the local Muslim leader, Wali Kandhari, was known for his piety but had a reputation for his ego. The Wali disliked Guru Nanak and challenged him to move a large mountain if he truly possessed divine powers.

Undeterred, Guru Nanak calmly accepted the challenge. Instead of physically moving the mountain, Guru Nanak meditated and asked the mountain to move itself if it recognized the truth of his teachings. To everyone's amazement, the mountain began to move towards the Wali's home.

Seeing this miraculous sight, Wali Kandhari realized Guru Nanak's divine connection and sought forgiveness. Guru Nanak used this incident to teach the importance of humility and recognizing the divine in all.

Moral of the Story: Humility is the greatest virtue, and the divine is present in all aspects of creation.

Foundation of Sikhism:

The teachings of Guru Nanak laid the foundation for Sikhism, a religion that values equality, community service, and the pursuit of spiritual knowledge. Guru Nanak's wisdom, compiled in the Guru Granth Sahib, serves as a guiding light for Sikhs worldwide.


Guru Nanak's legacy extends beyond religious boundaries. His teachings have universal appeal, emphasizing the commonality of all humanity. His life exemplifies the importance of humility, compassion, and living in harmony with nature.


In the tapestry of history, Guru Nanak Dev Ji's life stands as a testament to the transformative power of love and compassion. His teachings continue to inspire and guide people towards a path of righteousness and selfless service. As we delve into the biography of Guru Nanak, we find not just a historical figure but a timeless source of wisdom that transcends generations.

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