MP Board Class 5 English Reader Chapter 1 Prayer

Prayer Class 5 English Reader Chapter 1

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MP Board Class 5 English Reader Chapter 1 Prayer

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Class 5 English Reader Lesson 1 Prayer, class 5 english chapter 1 mp board
MP Board Class 5 English Reader Lesson 1 Prayer

MP Board Class 5 English Reader Chapter 1 Prayer 


MP Board Class 5 English Reader Chapter 1 Prayer

Question Answers

For grass and flowers and growing trees,

For birds and butterflies and bees.

For our fathers and our mothers,

For our sister and our brothers,

We thank you, God.

For home and all the love that's there.

For food we eat and clothes we wear.

For books to read and songs to sing,

For playmates and for everything,

We thank you, God.

Meaning in English This poem is about giving thanks to God for many things in our lives. It mentions being grateful for nature, like grass, flowers, trees, birds, butterflies, and bees. It also talks about being thankful for our family, like our parents and siblings. The poem mentions being grateful for our home, the love we receive, the food we eat, and the clothes we wear. It's a way of saying thank you to God for all the good things and people in our lives.

Meaning in Hindi -  यह कविता हमारे जीवन में कई चीजों के लिए भगवान को धन्यवाद देने के बारे में है। इसमें घास, फूल, पेड़, पक्षी, तितलियाँ और मधुमक्खियों जैसी प्रकृति के प्रति आभारी होने का उल्लेख है। यह हमारे परिवार, जैसे हमारे माता-पिता और भाई-बहनों के प्रति आभारी होने की भी बात करता है। कविता में हमारे घर, हमें मिलने वाले प्यार, हमारे द्वारा खाए जाने वाले भोजन और हमारे पहनने वाले कपड़ों के प्रति आभारी होने का उल्लेख है। यह हमारे जीवन में सभी अच्छी चीजों और लोगों के लिए भगवान को धन्यवाद कहने का एक तरीका है।

Textual Exercise


Listen and Repeat

tree eat wear read

free seat tear bead

three hear bear tead

Word Power

(i) Circle the odd ones.

Examples: flower grass bird tree

(a) bird bee butterfly buffalo

(b) song food clothe home

(c) father brother sister singer

(d) book pencil water pen


(a) buffalo

(b) song

(c) singer

(d) water

(ii) Complete these sentences using the given words.

(books, plants, pets, prayers, games)

(a) We say ......... everyday.  

(b)  We water ........ everyday.

(c)  We play .................. everyday.

(d) We read ............... everyday.

(e) We feed our ............. everyday.


(a) prayers

(b) plants

(c) games

(d) books

(e) pets


Answer these questions.

(a) Find out the rhyming words in the poem.

Answer : trees - bees , mother- brother , there- wear, sing- things

(b) Which lines do you like most?

Ans- For books to read and songs to sing, for playmates and for everythings.

(Note- Students can write by their own according to interest)

(c) Why should we be thankful to God?

Ans- We should be thankful to God because He has provided us with everything we need.

(d) What is the simplest way to pay thanks to God?

Answer- Prayer is the simplest way to pay thanks to Gods.

Let's Talk

(a) Notice the use of polite expression and responses.

Charu - Excuse me, I want to meet the Head Mistress madam. Where is she?

Rohit - Oh! She is in the office.

Charu - Thank you.

Now insert expression like 'sorry', 'thank you', 'please', 'excuse me', 'pardon' etc. into the following sentences.

1. .................... Sir, can you show me the way to school?

2. ................. you. Now I shall find it out.

3. ..............., I don't know, ask somebody else.

4. ........................ , I couldn't get you.

5. Can you give me your phone number ........................ .


1. Excuse me Sir, can you show me the way to school?

2. Thank you. Now I shall find it out.

3. Sorry, I don't know, ask somebody else.

4. Pardon, I couldn't get you.

5. Can you give me your phone number please.

(b) Ask your classmates the following questions and talk.

(a) Who has given us father and mother?

Answer : God has given us father and mother.

(b) What has God given us to read?

Answer- God has given us books to read.

(c) What has God given the birds to enable them to fly?

Answer- God has given the featherds by which birds are able to fly.

(d) What do we do to thank God?

Answer- We pray to thank God?

(e) Name the things given by God.

Answer- God has given themany things like grass , flowers, mother, father, sisters, brothers, home, food, clothes, books, playmates, songs, love, and everything.

Let's Read

Read the poem and answer the question given below it.

The Night Sky

All day long

The sun shines bright.

The moon and stars

Come out by night.

From twilight time

They line the skies,

And watch the wordl

With quiet eyes.

    -RL. Stevenson

(a)  What shines during the day?

Answer- The sun shines during the day.

(b)  How does the sun shine?

Answer- The sun shines bright.

(c)  What come out by the night?

Answer-The moon and stars come out by the night.

(d)  How do the moon and the stars watch the world?

Answer- The moon and the stars watch the world with quiet eyes.

(e) What is more pleasing to you, the moon or the stars?

Answer- Both the moon and stars are more pleasing.

Let's Write

(a) Write five sentences about the things given by God.

Ex. God has given us flowers.

(1) ..................................... (2) .....................................

(3) ..................................... (4) .....................................

(5) ..................................... 

Answer - 

1. God has given us food

2. God has given us clothes

3. God has given us books

4. God has given us playmates

5. God has given us home

(b) Given below is a table showing Asha's daily routing:

( Page No 4 Table )

Now Make a chart of your daily routine according the above given table.

Answer - (Do yourself.)

Let's do it

(a) Write the names of some flowers and fruits.


Flowers Name

Rose, lotus, jasmine, Sunflower, Marigold, daisy, 

Fruits Name

Mango, banana, Apple, Gauva, Grapes, Orange, Pineapple, Kiwi, Watermelon, Coconut

(b) Draw their pictures in your notebook.

Answer - (Do yourself.)

(c) Collect some flowers and leaves of the plants. Let them dry and then paste them in your 'Art and Craft' book.

Answer - (Do yourself.)

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