MP Board Class 5 English Important Questions & Answers

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MP Board Class 5 English Important Question and Answers

Q.1. What will you do when the road is rough and its and is far out of sight?
Ans. I will foot the road bravely when it is rough and it's end is far out of sight.

Q. 2. Where did the pigeon live?
Ans. The pigeon lived on a mango tree.
Q. 3. What did the pigeon do when he found his children lying unconscious?
Ans. The pigeon built his nest all over again. By dawn the pigeon left home for food leaving his children under the care of his wife.

Q. 4. Why were the birds surprised?
Ans. The birds were surprised to see the sudden change in the monkey’s behaviour.

Q. 5. Which is the biggest of all trees?
Ans.  The banyan tree is the biggest of all trees.

Q. 6. What is a popular belief about the banyan?
Ans. A popular belief about the banyan is that it is a God and people worship it.

Q. 7. How much space does a banyan tree take up to grow?
Ans. A banyan tree requires plenty of space to grow. A full grown banyan tree takes up as much spaces as a three storeyed building.

Q. 8. Where did the friends go for a picnic? 
Ans. The friends went for a picnic to the nearby dam with their sports teacher. 
Q. 9. What is the area of a kabaddi ground? 
Ans. The ground where "kabaddi" is played is 12.5 metres long and 10 metres wide. It has two equal partition known as parlours. 

Q. 10. What do you understand by " rivers thirsty"? 
Ans. By "rivers thirsty" we mean that the rivers are dry due to scorching heat of the summer season.

Q. 11. Why was Rohit absent? 
Ans. Rohit was absent because he was not well. 

Q. 12. Where should we throw the waste? 
Ans. We should throw the wastes in litter bins or dumping pits. 

Q. 13. Who wanted to settle down in the town? 
Ans. A retired soldier wanted to settle down in the small town. 

Q. 14. What did the soldier do to the ghost? 
Ans. The soldier hammered the ghost on the head. As a result the ghost began to feel dizzy. 

Q. 15. Who was Vikramaditya? 
Ans. Vikramaditya was famous king of Ujjain. 

Q. 16. Why did the last angel flew away with the throne? 
Ans. The last angel flew away with the throne because Raja Bhoj told her that he was not worthy of sitting on the throne of Vikramaditya. 
Q. 17. Write a brief summary of the poem.
Ans. The scene outside is moving when it is seen from a railway carriage. Everything appears to be moving faster and faster bridges, houses, meadows, horses, cattle, hills and plain all seen to move. mill and river look beautiful, everything passes away as the train goes on.
Q. 18. How do the dogs help the hunter?
Ans. The hunters use the dogs to find their prey in the forest.

Q. 19. How do police use the dog?
Ans. Police use the dogs as detectives. The dogs search out the criminal very fast.

Q. 20. Where do heaven and hell exist according to Tenali?
Ans. According to Tenali, heaven and hell both exist right here on the earth .

Q. 21. What kind of families represent heaven?
Ans. Families where we find love and affection among the family- members represent heaven.

Q. 22. How do we feel at home?
Ans. We feel comfortable at home

Q. 23. How do the people behave with one another at home?
Ans. People show love and care for one another at home. They share happy and sad moments together.

Q. 24. When was Vinoba Bhave born?
Ans. Vinoba Bhave was born on 11 September 1895.

Q. 25. Why was he awarded " Bharat Ratna"?
Ans. He was awarded" Bharat Ratna" for serving the nation selflessly.

Q. 26 What do " builders" and "repairers" do in a beehive?
Ans. They make wax. They knead and mould the wax. Make cells in the hive .

Q. 27. What weapon does a bee use?
Ans. A bee uses its sting as a weapon.

Q. 28. Why did all the flowers die in the garden?
Ans. All the flowers died in the garden because the gardener gave them no water

Q. 29. How big was the little red man?
Ans. The little red man was as big as the gardener's thumb.

Q. 30. Why did Anil go to the bus stop?
Ans. Anil went to the bus stop to catch a bus to go from Indore to Harda.

Q. 31. What made the stranger vacate the seat?
Ans. The advice of one of the passengers made the stranger vacate the seat.

Q. 32. How has the poet described the rice fields?
Ans. Rice fields are green and yellow.

Q. 33. What floats like foam in the air?
Ans. Laughter floats like foam in the air.

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